Yoga teaches us that stuck or stagnant energy is the root cause of all dis-ease; mental, physical, or emotional. Traditionally, asana (or the physical practice) is meant to unwind and release this energy, restoring balance and vitality to the mind, body and soul.
Join Pepper and Dhyana of Stanton Street Yoga for a delightful evening of community and enjoyment. Together they offer two sweet hours of deep nourishment, an opportunity to intimately explore the polarities of movement and stillness, and ways to presently experience the balance between the two with effort and ease. A classic and elegant combination of form and renewal.
Dhyana will guide us through an hour of
f l o w , exploring the fusion of breath, consciousness, and movement.
Pepper will invite us into a restful state of integration and restoration with a thoughtful restorative yoga practice. She works with Reiki, sacred feather clearing and subtle sound to soothe the heart, relieve the nervous system and lighten the personality of lingering toxins and negativity.
$40 Day of $45
CLICK HERE to register
|| All levels welcome ||